Saturday, November 5, 2016

NaNoWriMo - Day 5

So it's day 5 of NaNoWriMo and my scene titles have come in real handy. On a set of large index cards I wrote a heading and then scribbled some notes to jog my memory further. I try to just use one index card a day but sometimes I've used as many as three if the scene ends up being really lame. Then there's the whole blank white space on the back of the index card and when I think up some new scene I jot it down there. 
Index Cards as scene notes
The last time I did an outline like this of only a descriptive sentence as a scene was 4 years ago and it worked SO WELL for me that I can't believe it took me this long to try it out again. Granted I don't know where exactly the story is headed in terms of plot. Had to check some things in the wonderful "Writing Fiction" text book. So phenomenal. I really hated reading it cover to cover but it's an amazing book and now I enjoy it for reference.

Image result for writing fiction a guide to narrative craft
Awesome book for writers

So what have I gotten out of re-reading the chapter on plot:

Story says, "... and then..."

Plot asks, "WHY?"

Feel the cause and effect

So that's mainly what I'm up to. I've also been journaling and doing a couple random flash fiction stories from prompts just to keep things fresh. NaNoWriMo can get really intense so I'm really doing my best to only think about it when I am actually writing it. 

Best of luck!

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